Dermaplaning immediately rejuvenates the skin by removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair using a sterile, surgical blade held at a 45 degree angle. It is also highly effective leaving skin smooth, supple and vibrant. It’s great for prepping the skin prior to peels, enzyme treatments and to increase penetration of active ingredients in the professional and home care products. It creates the perfect canvas for makeup application and is the go-to treatment for high profile occasions.
Dermaplaning is a physical/mechanical exfoliation that is extremely safe when performed by a professionally trained skincare specialist utilising the appropriate tools for the service.
Celebrity Facialist Nicola Russell, founder of Skin Geek, brought Dermaplaning to the UK from the United States over 8 years ago and was the first official Dermaplaning trainer in the country.
The blades and handle used in this treatment are unique to Skingeek and are both made specifically for Dermaplaning. These cannot be sold to anyone other than a Skingeek professional who has attended training and been certified.
Who can perform Dermaplaning?
A qualified beauty/Skin therapist or a dentist/nurse/doctor.
What is the technique?
This technique is safely performed by using a specialised sterile surgical instrument. Once the skin is properly prepped, the technician holds the skin taut and gently glides the blade at a 45 degree angle.
Is it safe?
It is extremely safe when performed by a professionally trained technician.
Once the vellous hair is removed will it grow back thicker?
No, this is physiologically impossible. The soft, fine vellous hair will grow back slowly – usually in about 4 weeks.
Can Dermaplaning cause the skin to bleed?
Yes, excessive scraping, nicks and cuts can cause bleeding. That is why it is very important to have someone perform the treatment who has been professional trained and is using the correct tools.
What areas can be treated?
Dermaplaning is performed on the face only. Excluding the eyelids.
How often can this procedure be performed?
Dermaplaning can be performed every 4 weeks. Treating the skin in this manner actually removes about 2 to 3 weeks worth of dead skin cells. The technician should allow the skin to complete its normal skin cycle of approximately 30 days before repeating the treatment.
Can Dermaplaning be performed with a chemical peel?
Yes. Dermaplaning is an excellent way to prep the skin for a chemical peel. But the technician will be very mindful of the clients skin. Peels after Dermaplaning aren’t suitable for a lot of clients and not always necessary.
Does the skin actually peel from dermaplaning?
No. When Dermaplaning is performed as a prep for a chemical peel the visible exfoliation that the client sees will be as a result of the peel used in the treatment.
Who can be treated?
All skin types can benefit from Dermaplaning. Men can be dermaplanned on non-beard areas only.
Who cannot be treated?
Clients with sensitive skin or active acne outbreaks should not be treated until lesions have healed. Dermaplaning is great for diminishing acne scars (when combined with a peel) but should not be performed during active outbreaks. Clients with bleeding disorders or difficulty clotting should not be treated. Clients with diabetes not under control by diet or medication should not be treated. Clients undergoing cancer treatment should also not be treated.
Is it painful?
Absolutely not, its surprisingly relaxing!
Dermaplaning + Skin Geek Oilaplane Balm £80.00 60mins
The Skin Geek Dermaplaning Oilaplane Balm is designed to hydrate, protect, reduce inflammation and soften the skin and hair to allow the blade to glide smoothly over the skin. Resulting in much less irritation for clients with dry and sensitive skin.
Not suitable for clients with nut allergies.
This treatment includes a double cleanse and finished with, LED, a barrier repair serum and SPF. ​
​​Dermaplaning + Enzyme Peel £80.00 60mins
An enzyme peel is a blend of natural fruit ingredients (enzymes) and is one of the gentlest methods of exfoliation. It helps skin to get rid of dead cells, promote cell renewal, clean pores and improve its texture and elasticity by accelerating natural processes in your skin.
Suitable for clients who are pregnant (not including LED stage).
This treatment includes a double cleanse and finished with LED, a barrier repair serum and SPF.
Dermaplaning Add On £30.00 15 mins​
Dermaplaning can also be added to other treatments including HydraFacial®, Medi Facials & Peels.